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My Plans for Autumn - A Post in Which I Share My Season Musings...

“Her pleasure in the walk must arise from the exercise and the day, from the view of the last smiles of the year upon the tawny leaves and withered hedges, and from repeating to herself some few of the thousand poetical descriptions extant of autumn--that season of peculiar and inexhaustible influence on the mind of taste and tenderness--that season which has drawn from every poet worthy of being read some attempt at description, or some lines of feeling.” - Jane Austen


Hello Autumn-lovers! Are you looking forward to the next few months, when the weather begins to cool down? I sure am! Fall is my favorite season, no doubt, so I thought I'd share with you what my plans are for this upcoming season! Now when I think of Autumn, the first things that come to my mind are cozy, warm evenings, and being wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket while reading a book... but I wonder, what do you think of when you see a photo of changing leaves, or see on your calendar that September is only few weeks away? Let me know below!

But, anyway (I could talk forever about autumn... <3) on with the post!

These are my goals / plans for what I hope to accomplish in Autumn this year -


These past few months, I've really been short of my normal reading habits (I normally read about 3-4 books a month). So one of my goals for these upcoming months is to get back into a steady reading schedule. There are dozens of books right now that I want to read, but just don't have time. Right now I'm actually reading three different books (don't try it, it doesn't work to well! :P) - The Star That Always Stays by Anne Rose Johnson, The Penderwicks at Point Mouette by Jeanne Birdsall, and the third book is by Jane Austen. Anyway, getting into more steady reading is a definite change that needs to happen...


This is a two-fold goal, actually. First, I'd like to work on my recent book project more, and also, I'm hoping to write more letters. As I've mentioned before, I have several pen pals around the country, so I need to be more diligent on writing consistently. I love writing letters, but sometimes I get into rut of neglecting them... And as for my writing project, I recently started a new book project, and I have several overall ideas, but right now I'm still trying to figure out the beginning! I think the beginning and the end of any book is the hardest to write, don't ya think? :) I also wanted to share with you the introduction to my new book, and I'd love to get your thoughts on it!

Here is a short blurb -


Introduction to A Kingdom Faded -

Look around you. What do you see? Maybe you see walls, and tables and chairs. Or maybe your outside as you read this, and you see trees, plants, and flowers. But whatever you see, you all see in one thing. Color. There is color around all of us, though we rarely take time to think about it. We all take it for granted, expecting that it will be there tomorrow, the next day, and forever. But what about a world that has been deprived of color? A kingdom full of dreary shades? This kingdom has fallen from their king, so the king took away something that all of us value, but don't realize. He took something that made life special. He took away color. Color gave happiness, excitement, life, and joy. But now it’s gone, and we’re living in a world that is pale, dull, and lifeless. We live in -

A kingdom faded.



This coming season I hope to find a new favorite movie, because for our family at least, it's very difficult to find good, clean movies to watch... so I hope these next few months I'll be able to find one that becomes a new family / personal favorite!

Because I'm sure this is a challenge for other Christian families, I thought I'd share below some of my family's favorite movies! (~ Please note that my family's boundaries for movies may not be yours, so please be considerate that every family is different on their beliefs and limits. Thanks! ~ )

- Chronicles of Narnia

(they have only come out with 3 of the movies, but their really good anyway!)

- Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit

(I would suggest these trilogies for teenagers, just because some parts of both movies might be scary for younger children)

- Anne of Green Gables

(the one with Meagan Follows is my personal favorite!)

- The Sound of Music

(This is yearly favorite - my family and I watch this one with Julie Andrews every year on Thanksgiving, so this has become a very special tradition.)

- Mary Poppins

- The Little Princess

(I prefer the one with Shirley Temple)

- Heidi

(Again, Shirley Temple all the way!)

So those are a few of me and my family's favorite movies, I'd love to hear if you've tried any of these!


Now I've got to tell you friends, I'm a very organized person by nature, but lately, well, I haven't been! :P I normally have a place for everything, and everything has it's place, but over the past few months, my room has been quite unorderly... so that's my final goal for this fall - to be more organized, specifically in my room. I'm hoping to clean up and give away in the next few weeks, so that'll be fun! Then again, I'll probably come home with bags of new stuff in a few weeks anyway... oh well! :)

Well, that's all for todays post, folks! I hope you enjoyed hearing about my plans / goals for this season, and... I'll see you next time! Farewell!


What are your plans for Autumn?

What's your favorite season?

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