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A Post in Which I Share My Recent Attempt to Learn Elvish - The Beloved Language of J.R.R Tolkien

I know, I know, elvish of all languages? That's right! I recently took interest in learning the amazing language that J.R.R Tolkien created for his Lord of the Rings series. Because I'm such a fan of the movies, and am hoping to read the entire trilogy (and possibly The Hobbit ) this year, I decided to dive headfirst into learning the language of the coolest book troupe EVER - THE ELVES! I was able to find a website that offered dozens of elvish phrases, and their pronunciations (SO helpful!). I copied and pasted the list into a document and, voilà ! Piece of cake! :) I now have plenty of words and phrases to keep me busy for the next few weeks, and hopefully I'll have them memorized pretty soon (if I stick with it!)... learning a new language is NEVER easy, so it will be challenging, but how cool would it be to say: "Pedin edhellen" without anyone knowing what you're talking about? :) So, just for the fun of it, I'm attaching some basic elvish phrases and words below for you to take a stab at yourself!

“Home is behind, the world ahead, and there are many paths to tread

through shadows to the edge of night,until the stars are all alight.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Also, a quick note that may be helpful if you're interested in learning elvish is to find a pronunciation guide. These are really useful, especially since elvish letters are said quite differently than English, so a guide would definitely be a useful tool...

“Don’t adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on the story.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Basic Elvish Phrases

NOTE: There are two different forms of elvish - Sindarian and Quenya. These phrases are in Sindarian, so after the English form, the Sindarian (i.e elvish) translation is below...

English: Welcome!

Sindarin: Aldol!

Pronunciation: AL.dol

English: I am ___

(for extra authenticity, you can try to find your name in elvish...)

Sindarin: Im ___

Pronunciation: IM ...

English: May we speak as friends now?

Sindarin: Pedathanc hi sui vellyn?

Pronunciation: PE.da.thañk HI SUI VEL.lyn

English: Until next we meet

Sindarin: Na lû e-govaded 'wîn

Pronunciation: na LUUU e WIIIN

English: Yes

Sindarin: *Naw

Pronunciation: NAW

English: No

Sindarin: *Law

Pronunciation: LAW

English: I love you

Sindarin: Le melin

Pronunciation: le ME.lin

English: I can say what I wish, and you can't understand me

Sindarin: Pedin i phith in aníron, a nin ú-cheniog

Pronunciation: PE.din i FITH in a.NII.ron a NIN

Thank you LOTR fans for stopping by to talk elvish! XD I hope you enjoyed this different post, and I'd love to see you back again next week! Na lû e-govaded 'wîn!!! (let me know in the comments below this post if you found out what I said above! :)

A Closing Quote from J.R.R Tolkien ~

“...a perfect house, whether you like food or sleep or story-telling or sing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all.' Merely to be there was a cure for weariness, fear, and sadness.” ― The Lord of the Rings

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